Born & Raised
Gaby: Long Beach, CA
Tony: Whittier, CA
Favorite Food
Gaby: Mom’s cooking
Tony: Gaby’s mom’s cooking!
Gaby: Peacemaker
Tony: Helper
Faith, family, and friends
MLB Tour Goals
Visit all 30 MLB Ball Parks
7 Down, 23 to go!
First Date
Dodger Stadium...
Gaby asked Tony out.
Gaby's Interests
Family, Reading, Naps, and Rooting for the LA Dodgers.
Tony's Interests
Friends, Food, Holistic and Integrated Health, CrossFit, and Jiu Jitsu
Investing On A Sure Foundation
Finding a sure foundation in the midst of market volatility is a bit like standing on the sea. It is possible only with the right kind of vehicle and the skillset to navigate through the ever changing chaos.
At The Blackmont Group, we believe that successful investing requires a great deal of diverse skills, knowledge of when and how to apply them, and solid long-term strategies, like the seasoned sea captain of old we understand the waves and the winds of investing. We take calculated risks, using our knowledge and experience to navigate the ever-changing market currents.
As the writer of Ecclesiastes recommends "send your grain across the waters." Not looking to fate or luck, but choosing a partner with the skills to propel your investments forward, keeping you on course towards your financial goals.